Wednesday, September 28, 2011

hey again...

   Last morning's weigh-in had me at 130.2 pounds. That's a whole pound loss! I havent seen this number since I was 13 years old! Im 20 btw. I think it was the swimming that helped.

    I have also just started on the birth-control pill "Levora". Have any of you guy's been on this same pill? Or have you any horrible weight gain stories from other birth control pills? I've read ton's on the web >.< It's been 3 day's only taking it so far, and so far so good. I'm so scared of gaining more than 4 pounds from it, that now I've gotten super strict on calulating my intakes and making sure I'm alway's active and not on my lazy ass all day. I dont want kid's for another 7 years or so, hehehe. I work so hard too keep myself thin, I dont want to ruin it all with a baby. Just not yet.

    I'm so close to the 120's I can allmost taste it! (no pun intended). I don't even remember the last time I was in the 120's. I honestly dont. That's how long it's been...

    Had a discussion with the fiance about why my eating disorder makes me so sad, and feel like I am the worst person in the world sometimes. I even told him how I'd lost 19-20 pounds since febuary (about the time we really began to get seriouse). I told him I had even brought a scale with me across the states in my suitcase. After bearing my soul, I cried.

    Afterall, at the end of the day, I cant help but to have the scale measure my happiness for the day.

    He was just like, that's 9 kg's lost. And I was like i guess. And then he went on to blame my parent's for my eating problem's. Which is so like men. To find the source of the problem and to fix it. Fix it right away. He told me, he'd promise to love me no matter what. Let's wait and watch.

    I tried to comment back on all of your blogs. The one's on my feed, and to those lovely gal's who commented on my last post...Sorry if I didnt. It's getting kinda late here, and I'll let you all know about the wedding as it get's nearer. Yes, there wil be pictures :) Thank You all for your wishes!!!!


  1. I've never been on birth control pills. Lol, I've had enough weight gain from the antidepressants D:

    You're 20?!? Holy shit I feel old now :x

    Yay wedding! Yay photos! I'm so glad you talked things over with him. It's good to hear he's going to stay. He and Miles must be mental in that respect o.O Staying with us despite our own insanity. I'd stand a round for out wonderful mentla men :)

    The mental image of you stabbing my zombified corpse to death with a broken pool cue (Shaun of the dead *facepalm*) really cracked me up. Thank you <3

    Thank you so much for the comment. You are fucking wonderful. Gah, no words to describe the epicness of you.


  2. OH MY GOD CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is such an achievement I can't even fathom! Keep up the GREAT work!!!

  3. It is such a cool thing that you can talk to him about it! :) And congrats! I LOVE weddings :) :)

  4. It's nice to be able to tell someone about ED problems. I have a few people that know. You'll be in the 120's in no time if you keep up the good work.

  5. Wow your doing so great, practically in the 120's! I started the birth control pill last month and I actually lost four pounds without trying. It shouldnt hurt your weight at all. <3

  6. Great job you'll be in the 120's in no time :)

  7. great job! wow, thats so awesome! Keep up the good work and youll get there, girl. I havent gained weight on the pill, but i havent lost anything either...i think it just keeps me at a steady weight, which kinda fucking sucks xD Ive only told 2 people, and they didnt really understand, but i was expecting that!

  8. Birth control increases appetite, so if you can resist which I'm sure you can! You shouldnt gain any.
    Your doing so well, I find your blog truely inspiring!
